'Pick a Project'
'Pick a Project' Campaign
The BTUC two-story dorm was built using traditional African wooden windows. Each of the 14 dorm rooms have large windows facing the front and the back of the building. Unfortunately, the sun has damaged and warped the windows facing the rear of the building beyond repair. Water during the rainy season now leaks into the rooms, causing further damage to the interior walls.
We must replace these windows with modern aluminium windows, as was used in the new cafeteria building.
The Ceiling of the BTUC library is significantly sagging and damaged from a water leak.
We need to replace the ceiling with a modern material and install new light fixtures to properly illuminate the isles of the library shelves.
The classroom block of the campus has only one male and one female bathroom, servicing one person at a time. This is inadequate to accomodate all of the students between classes and on breaks.
We need to renovate this by expanding them. We can accomplish this by converting the adjacent large storage room into a separate male bathroom with muliti-person access, and combining the current bathrooms into one large female bathroom.
The BTUC front wall extends across the entire campus width. This includes the main entrance gate and the second gate to the additional parking. The wall and gates are exstensively damaged. The wall is leaning significantly and must be completely replaced.
Security is the highest priority for a school in Africa. We must replace the entire front wall and the two gates.
The BTUC water supply comes from a drilled borehole (well) which supplies the entire campus. Due to the exessive amount of hard water deposits in the water, we are experiencing damage to the dorm hot water heaters and campus-wide plumbing and fixtures.
We are in great need of a Water Softenining System to prevent extensive repairs in the future.
Each dorm room houses two students. A desk is provided for each student to study on. We currenly only have half of the desks we need to fill the dorm properly.
We need 14 more desks to match the existing custom made desks and 6 matching chairs.
Most of the offices in the administration block require new desks, rolling chairs, and shelves, to replace the existing broken down ones or what is missing.
We need 9 rolling chairs for the faculty and administration ($300ea).
Most of the offices in the administration block require new desks, rolling chairs, and shelves, to replace the existing broken down ones or what is missing.
We need 6 desks for the faculty and administration ($700ea).
Most of the offices in the administration block require new desks, rolling chairs, and shelves, to replace the existing broken down ones or what is missing.
We need 9 bookshelves for the faculty and staff ($250).
The BTUC Faculty Workroom stands empty. It is our desire to turn this room into a place where faculty can prepare for classes, relax, and record teaching videos for their online classes.
The first place we want to start is by having high work tables and a locking supply cabinet made to fit the space.
The BTUC Faculty Workroom stands empty. It is our desire to turn this room into a place where faculty can prepare for classes, relax, and record teaching videos for their online classes.
We need a couch & chair set for a place to meet and relax.
The BTUC kitchen has only two small home electric stoves and a freezer. Our cooks prepare 3 meals a day, seven days a week for all of our students.
We need to purchase a commercial stove, refrigerator, exhaust system, serving station, etc., to properly equip a University College kitchen.
We have prepared a place to build an insaka in the student courtyard. An insaka is a traditional African structure (similar to a gazebo) that has a thatch roof and open air sides. There will be built-in seating in the round and the insaka will serve as the Student Common for fellowship.
We need to purchase the materials and build the insaka for the students to enjoy throughout the year.
We are converting a storage room in the library building into a bookstore.
We need custom shelves to be built on the walls of the room for the books and in the librarian's outer book staging room.
Berea Theological University College, Limited