Field Education is a practical ministry involvement which provides opportunities to translate theory into practice. It is therefore designed to make students develop and Exercise their spiritual gifts, skills and abilities to fulfil their individual calling. It is set to compliment academic studies. It also gives students a context in which they are made to appreciate the relevance of their academic studies. By and large, it is a means of bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Every student enrolled at BTUC will take an introductory course in their first Term, namely: Introduction to Field Education. The course is designed to extensively orient students to Field Education and to help them develop a personal Philosophy of ministry. The course will adequately prepare students for practical Christian service which they will be doing while training at BTUC.
Supervised Ministries:
After the students, have done an introductory course to Field Education, they will be required to do weekend ministries in churches of their choices and report their involvement. To complete the Field Education requirements, the students in this program shall be required to be enrolled in a Supervised Ministry course each of the remaining eight terms of the Diploma program (Core Courses).
Supervised Ministry Reporting:
Students’ Weekly Reports: Students will submit a report on Christian service activities to determine their faithfulness in fulfilling their assignments. This will be made on Christian service report blanks. Successful completion of their Supervised Ministry courses will show a Pass (P) on the student's transcript.
Supervised Ministry Placement:
Students get to choose their own place of ministry. They should make sure that the place of service will afford them the greatest opportunities for learning and practicing ministry. The ministry setting of the student will be approved by the Field Education Director, Churches, and organizations desiring to have students to do ministry with them to make arrangements through Christian service Department.
Prepares you for Church Ministry through a Major in Ministry & Leadership with Ministry Internship
Berea Theological University College, Limited