Mark & Lynn will be leading a team of Children's Pastors from the USA to conduct a practical ministry training seminar in Children's Ministry, culminating in the very first KidFest on the second day. In addition, a team of Senior Pastors will be conducting Pastoral Ministry Training simultaneously. Hosted by BTUC, the event will take place in the Copperbelt Region on April 14-15, 2023.
Dr. Swank serves as the Projects Coordinator for Church of God World Missions (COGWM). His portfolio includes: Orphan Run 4 Hope charity runs; Developing Young Leaders Training Schools; Coordinating Evangelism Training & Events for the Denomination; and Mobilizing Pastors & Leaders to partner with COGWM’s Lighthouse Cities Projects around the world.
Dr. Swank has served in a variety of roles including Missionary, Youth Pastor, Family Pastor, Associate and Lead Pastor. Prior to his return to COGWM, he served as Youth Missions Coordinator for Church of God Int’l Youth & Discipleship. He has been privileged to teach at multiple Seminaries and has a Doctorate of Ministry.
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