John will be teaching the iTerm course Methodology and Stragegy of Missions on April 19-23.
John currently serves as the pastor of the Abundant Life Church of God in Montrose, Colorado, USA. Heand his wife Kathy served as missionaries to Brazil for over 32 years. They founded and directed the Missionary Training Center in São Paulo to prepare the Latin American missionary force for ministry around the world. During the 24 years that they were in southern Brazil, they planted five churches and founded a ministry to street kids called the City of Refuge. John and Kathy moved to Manaus, Brazil, in 2007, where they served as pastors of the Campos Sales church. John served as regional overseer over a five state area and coordinated a church planting movement of over 30 churches. John also founded the Arrowhead Project to reach the tribal groups of the Amazon Basin. Their ministry continues in Brazil through the Arrowhead Project and through a feeding program for at-risk children called Jim’s Kids. John and Kathy have three grown children: Jessica, Jennifer, and Jonathan. John graduated from Lee University with a B. A. Degree in 1981 and from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary with a MA Degree in 1983. He completed a MA Degree in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in 2003 and ended up as an ABD in a Ph.D. program in Intercultural Studies at Fuller.
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