Dr. Waltrip will be teaching the iTerm course Theology of Missions & Contextualization on May 22-26 2023.
Dr. Waltrip serves Dean of International Education for the Church of God Division of Education and Church of God World Missions. He also serves as Assistant Professor of Global Missions and Church Development at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, Tennessee, USA, and was Vice-President of External Academic Development at ETS from 2018 to 2019. The Waltrips main role as missionary educators is teaching for schools around the world, including Berea Theological University College. He serves as international faculty for ASCM (Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries) in the Philippines and ETS in Germany. He also trains pastors, leaders, missionaries and church planters and speaks in workshops, seminars and conferences, especially in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. In addition, he is working with Church of God leadership in Canada to establish the Canadian School of Ministry.
Dr. Waltrip and his wife, Dr. Angie Waltrip, have a beautiful daughter by the name of Noëlle, who is attending Lee University. The Waltrips were missionaries for several years in Europe. They worked with church planting, discipleship, youth ministry, evangelism and ministerial development in France and taught Missions and Christian Education at the European Theological Seminary (ETS) in Germany. From 2009 to 2010, Blayne taught one year as “Missionary-in-Residence” at Lee University and earned a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in 2011.
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