Professor Ayo will be teaching the iTerm course I Corinthians on January 17-21, 2022.
Dr. Adewuya joined the faculty of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in 2001. He teaches Greek and New Testament, with a specific focus on Pauline Literature. Before that, he taught as an adjunct faculty of the Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, Asia Seminary of Christian Ministries, and Asian Theological Seminary, all in Manila, Philippines. Among his publications are: Holiness and Community in 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 – A Study of Paul’s View of Communal Holiness in the Corinthians Correspondence; Transformed by Grace: Paul’s View of Holiness in Romans 6-8 (Eugene Oregon: Cascade Books, 2004); Transformados Por Gracia: Perspectiva Paulina de la Santidad en Romans 6-8, and A Commentary on 1 &2 Corinthians, ISG 42; Holiness in the Letters of Paul and 1 Corinthians: A Pastoral Commentary. He has also published academic articles in various journals and written essay chapters in books. He is a regular contributor to Precepts for Living, a Sunday School Commentary for African Americans published by Urban Ministries Inc., Chicago. He is an active member of the Society of Pentecostal Studies, the Wesleyan Theological Society, and the Society of Biblical Literature. His research interest is in the intersection between African, religious socio-cultural life, and Biblical studies and interpretation. He is a Fellow of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre, and the Institute for Biblical Research. He is also a member of the prestigious Society of New Testament Studies. He started the Hope and Abundant Life Ministries groups of churches in the Philippines. His wife, Grace, is the Founder of the Amazing Grace Christian Foundation, USA, a ministry committed to helping and caring for less privileged women and children in Tarlac, Philippines. They were resident missionaries in the Philippines from 1984-2001 and remain involved in active ministry there.
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