Randall will be teaching the iTerm course Systematic Theology I on January 10-14, 2022.
Recently, Dr. Parris took a huge step when he left the Church of God International Department of Youth and Discipleship as Coordinator and became a full-time, global Missionary. He teaches in Seminaries and Bible Schools, train pastors, leaders, youth leaders, and students. He also speaks in conventions, hold crusades, and raises money for special projects. Much of his ministry the last decade has been in Africa.
He served as a denominational leader many years as a State Director of Youth and Christian Education. He currently teaches classes at Lee University and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, part time, online or in person, in both the undergraduate and graduate levels and at other schools around the world.
Randall is married and has two young adult children and one daughter-in-law. His personal interests include my family, college football, travel, education, classic cars, and almost anything to do with eating ice cream! He really enjoys teaching and coaching emerging leaders.
Theology is not only for pastors and theologians. As Karl Barth puts it, “Theology is not a private subject for theologians only... Theology is a matter for the Church.” This course should bless your mind, heart, and soul! Be open and “listen” for the nudge and nurture of the Holy Spirit throughout this course.
Berea Theological University College, Limited